Rare disease day is today - February 28th all around the world, and this year the theme is to share colours
& to light up for rare.
I live with the rare conditions Hyperacusis & Tinnitus, and it's coming up on 5 years now for me since onset. The people in the image above also live with the same conditions.
We are trying to Raise Awareness, and to hopefully speed up the process for us to get to our cure. We have researchers diligently working everyday trying to figure out the mechanisms behind Hyperacusis, but unfortunately they have been short on funds to get the real work done for some time now, and hopefully soon things will come to fruition in terms of a cure.
Hyperacusis Research was founded eleven years ago by Bryan Pollard (RIP), the former president, and his work and legacy continues on to this day, and the platform continues to help tremendously for Hyperacusis.
If you are unfamiliar with Hyperacusis, it is extreme sensitivity to everyday sounds. Car motors, sirens, people talking, even opening up a bag of chips can cause aching, burning, deep, stabbing pain into the ears, face and head for some that is very debilitating.
You can donate to Hyperacusis Research at the following link to hopefully help us get to our cure faster, and to also learn more about the organization.
Let's support rare diseases, one day at a time!.
Thank you so much for listening, much love!.
David Vance
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