Three Survivors of Cancer Discuss Their Struggles With Tinnitus and Hyperacusis, two Conditions They Consider Far Worse
Three Survivors of Cancer Discuss Their Struggles With Tinnitus and Hyperacusis, two Conditions They Consider Far Worse Written by J. D. Rider David Vance, Susan Caswell, and Kathy McCain fought the dreaded condition cancer in various forms. It's the diagnosis a person hopes to never get. But even so, they testify that cancer was easy compared to tinnitus and hyperacusis, an aural-twisted duo whose savage decrees equate to endless traps and prison life. Who took their lives and everything and blew them all to smithereens. To preface this article, these are THEIR stories. THEIR thoughts. They're talking from experience. And not to stink on cancer, but in THEIR situations, tinnitus and hyperacusis have been far, far worse. Cancer was scary, horrible. We all know it is. It takes lives, squashes hope. But so do these aggressors, as suicides are a frequent climax to tinnitus and hyperacusis. As we cover their impact on each individual, they'll explain why these ear traps a...
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