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Hyperacusis & Tinnitus / Chronic Pain - Coping strategies / Meditation / Numerology


Hi everyone, the following are com coping strategies I use for Hyperacusis, Tinnitus & Chronic pain. Maybe can be of help to you too. 

I'll start with meditation first. Meditation is a big part of me, and always has been. With having Hyperacusis & Tinnitus, I have implemented it more and more into my daily routine. It brings me a sense of calm, clarity, and eases my anxiety and depression living with this all. 

If I'm feeling any of these emotions I go straight to meditation, and I do 3 different practices. Two that are guided on Youtube (Using CC) , and the third - I sit in silence and close my eyes, and just listen to my inner self. 

The first meditation I would like to discuss is a practice for Anxiety. For example if my ears are acting up with increased Hyperacusis & Tinnitus I will do this practice. The first part of the meditation is naming what I am anxious about - Hyperacusis & Tinnitus increased. The second part is putting a "Judgement" on it. Clearly the judgement is that it absolutely sucks!. The third part is naming the "Story" behind it. Maybe I have an ear infection, tapering off of a med, or I just went out to the grocery store, and heard all of the outside world racket. The fourth part is to sit in complete silence, eyes closed and think about what the very next step to do is, not the next 5-10 steps. but the very next one. So for example if my Hyperacusis & Tinnitus is raised because of going out to the supermarket - I need to rest, and what actions can I take to try to make sure this doesn't happen again?. Order my groceries for delivery, or get someone else to pick up for me. This practice helps me in any moment of anxiety, and I'm able to figure out how to deal with it accordingly. 

Link to meditation

The second practice is a guided meditation for Chronic Pain. For the first part of the meditation you indulge in relaxation techniques - relaxing your whole body. Than you think of an image that comes to mind of your pain, and acknowledge that this image is not you. If you were to be another person looking at you, you would not see this "inner" image of the pain that you are going through. Send this image compassion, send it love and accept it for what it is. The second part is to picture another image that you would like to see for yourself in the future - Maybe it's living with your family in hobbit town, or with your dream companion, your own quiet residence etc. Then you try to transition from the first image to the next, and totally disregard the first. The whole practice is about "Transition" and envisioning what you would like your life to look like moving ahead, and trying to forget about the "Pain" image. If you keep up with this practice on the regular, from my personal experience you can eventually see results moving ahead with your goals. These practices should be done a few times a week. For me personally, I do them everyday. 

Link to meditation

The third meditation is to sit in complete silence, eyes closed and just try to shut off your mind, not think about the past, the future, or the present. Just shut it right off. I know that it's not going to be 100 percent, and it's not for me, but try to do it to the best of your abilities. I will usually sit for 10-15 minutes, and it helps me to gain clarity on what my body is going through, what my body is telling me, what my inner voice is trying to say. It brings me into the present moment, and knowing that I have the moment, and even if I'm in pain, I am still okay. I am breathing, and I am alive. 

The whole purpose of meditation is to try to tune in the "inner self" and to find a sense of calm, and to be aware to live in the present moment. Forget about the past, forget about the future, and just try to enjoy the now as much as possible. 

Now I will dabble into Numerology. I have been fascinated with it for some time now. I notice 555 on the clock, 222 on my phone, or just other personal numbers that I see regularly, and I know they are from my highest good to send messages for my life path. If I see 11:19 that's the most powerful. My mother's birthday is June 19, and my father passed close to Remembrance Day, Nov 11. My Father passed on 6 months ago, and my mother in 2005. When I see these numbers together it's a message they are with me and are guiding me. It doesn't happen on purpose too, I could be in my worst moment of H, sitting in my kitchen crying, having a fit because the pain is so bad, and how much I don't like life that day. Then next thing you know 11:19 is on the clock, and it gives me a sense of ease and comfort, and knowing that I am not alone, and that things are going to be okay. 

When I see others numbers, for example 222, 333, 444, 555. In which I see quite regularly, I google the meanings, or talk to someone who knows about numerology. I find out the meanings, and usually it pertains to my current life, and helps to guide me on which my next moves should be. Now numerology all started for me after I got into meditation, I was able to be calm, and learned how to stay in the present moment. Then these things all started to happen. When I get these little reminders everyday, it helps me to keep going and to know that everything is going to be okay, regardless of my pain.

Meditation, Numerology and my Spiritual side all help me immensely with my conditions to better cope.

Thank you for listening to my personal experiences.

I hope this has been of great help to you, and may we all heal. 

David Vance 


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